Jumat, 15 Mei 2009

borobudur temple

BOROBUDUR, the monument is very impressive and comes from the dynasty era Dinasi this is not a temple, but a pile of stone piles in the ground. This is a portrait of a stone Buddha Mahayana Cosmic system. Based on any posts that are on the "foot" of the Borobudur Temple is closed in the ancient Javanese letter that came from the letter pallawa.

But the temple is estimated to year, the 850 years before the Christian era, the island occupied by the family of kings Sailendra between 832-900 years old.
So I have more than 1100 years and more about 300 years old temple of Angkor Wat in Kambodja. This temple consists of 2 million chunk of stone and reached 60,000 cubic meters, is part of the walls that form of relief relate Mahayana teachings. Size-hand side 123 meters, while including the high peaks of the stupa is not due to be struck by lightning is 42 m. There is now living the high 34.5 m.

The findings BOROBUDUR
Never terlintas by the Government that a Dutch East Indies archipelago when this will be by the British. Governor-General take the dependency problem in the East, Lord Minto mendelegasikan need this power in the archipelago to the Lieutenant Governor General Sir Thomas Stamford Raffles. Raffles has a very big attention to the eastern culture, so that when in the year 1814 get a report on the finding that estimated temple ruins, engineers officer immediately sent HC Cornelius to Sea to Earth.

That was the beginning of the Borobudur was found hidden somewhere since when and what the cause. The mystery that until now has not been revealed.

Unfortunately, the year 1815 the UK must lift feet and restore the land to the Dutch colony. For the Netherlands, the historical is not less interesting. In the 1834 Resident Kedu Hartman called the new two-year positions occupied undertake cleaning Borobudur. Stupa temple that the peak has been known since gawk in Cornelius 20 years earlier ..

During the period of 20 years is that no one is responsible for the invention. In the year 1842 Hartman doing research on the main stupa. In Buddhist religious culture, stupa was founded to save the relics of the Buddha relics or Buddhist students who have reached sainthood. In religious language, called saririka dhatu relics, taken from the rest of the physical form of the finished crystal cremation was conducted. If it has not reached sainthood, not the rest of the physical form of the crystal and is not taken. When the crystal will be taken and placed in the stupa. Believed that these relics have sacred vibration that leads to the good deeds. At each ceremony Waisak, relics also brought in a procession from the Mendut to Borobudur to be placed on the main altar in the West. Relics that should be in the main stupa of Borobudur is not known up to now who is taking and where saved.

Thus, Borobudur is found in the year starting in 1814 under the command Hartman, among others, bring to the photographer, in the year 1845 called Schaefer, but the result is not satisfactory. That is the year 1849 taken the decision to draw the only building of Borobudur. Task in which the trust Wilsen FC can complete the 476 images in 4 years time. There is one more that was assigned to make a clarification about Borobudur that is still a guess-estimate, namely Brumund. Results and Brumund Wilson submitted by the Government of the Netherlands Indies Leemans in 1853 that successfully complete the new 1873. During the the process of making picture-guess estimate that, by Hartman Borobudur as a recreational place. At the peak was established to see the beauty of nature while drinking tea. Cleaning rocklike continues, was adhered origin of so-paste allegedly derived origin-only.

Gift to the King
Borobudur cleaned from day to day, to the more interesting. Truly fantastic for the Dutch authorities to enjoy the beautiful scenery on the ancient buildings of such a large.
In the year 1896, King of Thai, Chulalongkorn come to the Netherlands Indies. As a religious follower of the Buddha will not miss the building to see the stupa which was buzzing by the colonial government officials. Somehow the story, the Government of the Netherlands to offer the King to bring the stones of Borobudur. According to the record not less than 8 tram through Port of Tanjung Emas Semarang. Among the transported to the White Elephant Country is a 30 piece temple wall relief, 5 the Buddha statue, lion statue 2 and 1 shower makara.
When we are in the palace of King Bhumibol Adulyagej we can see stones of Borobudur take care well until now. As most of the countries that follow the Buddha, the respect of the people before the Buddha statue as a symbol of origin Borobudur greatness teacher.
So, long before rocklike Borobudur placed properly, part of the stones that are in the palace dynasty Cakri have been treated well, because the royalty over there understand the symbols in the religion of a small residual believed
In the year 1882 is proposed to disassemble all stones of Borobudur to be placed in a museum. This proposal is not approved, even encouraged to build business back up to the form of temple ruins. Encouraged others to open the curtain over the mystery diketemukannya are one floor under the floor again by Vzerman first temple in 1885.
In the year 1900 was typed Special Committee Borobudur restoration planning. After working two years, the Committee concluded that three things need to be in the restoration are:
First: immediately arranged tackling danger of collapse is an urgent manner strengthen corners of building, re-enforce the walls sloping at the first level, improving the gate-gate, and the stupa niche, including the main stupa.
Second: perpetuate the situation that has improved the way the strict supervision and appropriate, improve the water channel with a way to improve the-floor and floor-lane alley.
Third: show the temple in the clean and intact with the way remove all stones are separated for return to install and remove all additional buildings.
Come out in 1905 the Government of the Kingdom of Netherlands decision to approve the proposal of providing the Committee with the funds of 48,800 Gulden to appoint engineers engineer T.van ERP.
Restoration began in August 1907 which was successfully completed in the year 1911. Thus, Borobudur beauty can be enjoyed in full.

After the proclamation of independence, in 1948 the Government of Indonesia that is still in the regulation of attention to the damage that Borobudur has known since 1929 to bring in two experts from ancient India. Unfortunately this business does not have continouation. In 1955 the government of Indonesia requests aid to UNESCO to save the various temples in Java, Borobudur is not excluded. More steady new business started in 1960 that stopped the rebellion G.30.S/PKI when the state and nation concentrate themselves rescuing the future of the almost was torn communist.
Temple of serious restoration done on the new New Order, the President of the Republic of Indonesia through the Decree No.217 of 1968 dated 4 July 1968 formed the National Committee responsible for collecting the funds and carry out restoration. President next year, and disband the Committee imposes a duty restoration to the Minister of Transportation.
1973 was the beginning of the restoration is completed on 23 February 1983. This rescue effort is the most solid in the history of Borobudur.
The temple has 9 levels, namely: level 6 under, "each side is quite prominent tortuous, so that gave the impression of-many. 3 level above:''circular. And the most referred to as a top level to 10-is stupa large size diameter 9.90 m, height 7 m.

Borobudur has no spaces which was used as a place of worshipful temple-like other temples. That there is a long alley-lane road that is narrow, the second edge is limited by temple walls, set the level for the temple level.
From one level in the four corners of the gate there is a level entrance to the other through the stairs. -Lane alley in the nation this is estimated to perform Buddhist ceremonies walk corral to the right temple. The ceremony is called pradaksima

Dutch historian Dr. J.G. Casparis in his disertasion doctor to get a degree in the year. 1950 revealed that Borobudur 10 depicts a multilevel clearly visible Mahayana Buddhist religious philosophy called "Dasabodhisatwabhumi". Philosophy that teaches that every person who wants to reach the level position as a Buddhist must exceed 10 levels Bodhisatwa. If the 10 level has exceeded that, then people will reach perfection and become a Buddha.
Dr. J. G. Casparis holds that Borobudur is actually a place of worship the ancestor of the kings Sailendra, in order to reach the ancestors-Buddhaan. Ten levels of Borobudur was also symbolizes that the ancestor of the king who founded Sailendra that Borobudur was 10 people. Based on the inscription Karangtengah the 824 M and prasati Kahulunan of 824 M. Dr. J.G. Casparis holds that the founders of Borobudur is king named Sailendra Samaratungga, roughly around the year 824. Building a new giant that it would be completed by his princess namely the Queen Pramodawardhani.
In the case of the experts said there is not agreed.

Tier-Tier Borobudur
Prof. in 1929. Dr. W.F. Stutterheim theory has revealed that Borobudur Temple is a substance that "imitation" of entire nature according to the teachings of the Buddha consists of 3 major parts, namely: (1). Kamadhatu; (2). Rupadhatu; and (3). Arupadhatu.
The "feet" symbolizes Kamadhatu, the world is still dominated by Kama or lust (desire) is low, that is the human being as our world is.
Rupadhatu, namely a world that can break loose from the union militancy, but still bound by the form and shape of the world and is a sacred "nature of" that separates "the bottom" (kamadhatu) with "top of the natural" (arupadhatu).
Arupadhatu, that is "above nature" or Nirwana, where the Buddha sit, where absolute freedom is achieved, free from desire and free from the bond form and appearance. Therefore, the plain Arupadhatu described it, does not pro-relief.

Sculptures Dhayani Buddha
At the Rupadhatu Buddha statue depicted Dhayani open, ditempatka in the hole in the wall like a window open. But the Arupadhatu sculptures that are placed in the stupa which closed perforated like the confinement. From the outside still looks sculptures that vaguely.
The way of sculpture as oelh creator apparently intended to depict vaguely existed "between there and there is no" as a transition meaning Rupadhatu and antra Arupadhatu.
Arupa which means that the form does not exist or is not fully reached a new peak in the central temple and the stupa is the largest and highest depicted plain (without holes), so that inside the statue does not appear at all.
Stupa-stupa confinement statuary in the Arupadhatu a linear sloping bottom, and holes such as the above linear vertical.
According to Prof. deceased. Dr. Sucipta Wirjosaputro holes as is the level of symbol-level lenyapnya last remaining appetite.
Holes that linear italics (lower than the other) reflect that the level is still a remnant of appetite, are on the level above which describes the linear vertical terkikis appetite was exhausted, and had heart straight.
In the year 1814 Sir Thomas Stanford Raffles excavate the buried temple many centuries this. Restoration of large-scale operation carried out from 1905 to 1910 led Dr.Tb. van ERP. the continuation restoration was helped by UNESCO until 1983.

At the bottom is shaped Borobudur stupa, which is building the sacred religion of the Buddha in the form of the original dome (half ball) that stood up and given a basic layer on top of an umbrella.
Relief on the walls of the Borobudur temple Drs. Moehkardi Digest magazine in 1460 amounts have Brobudur scenes decorate temples, each story relief depicts the life of Gautama Buddha, and relief that is decorative(decoration) is 1212 units. Long relief if the through-connect all can reach 2900 m, so almost 3 km. Number of its arca have 505 units, comprising: Level-to-1 Rupadhatu-place statue of Buddha statue Manushi fruit 92;-Three levels of the rest each have 92 pieces Dhyani Buddha statue;-Level above 64 have Dhyani Buddha statue.
Next level there is also a statue Arupadhatu-Dhyani Buddha statue be in the stupa, located at the shape circle and each level is: 32, 24 and 16 some 72 units.
Finally in the top of the main stupa, there was also a statue of the Adhi Buddha, the Buddha is the highest in the Buddhist religion Mahaya. So sum all 3 x 92 is the number of units 432 + 64 + 1 = 505 units.
A number of amazing games.
Drs. Moehkardi revealed a number of games in which the Borobudur Temple is very imposing, as follows:
Number of Arupadhatu the stupa (stupa at the top is not calculated) were: 32, 24, 26 which has a regular comparison, namely 4:3:2, all exhausted and divided by 8.
Size stupa in the three high-level page. Is: 1.9 m, 1.8 m; each different 10 cm. Similarly the diameter of the stupa, stupa, and have exactly the same size with the same height: 1.9 m, 1.8 m, 1.7 m.
Some of the Borobudur, when note-digit number will end a number 1 back. Suspected that it was made so that can be deciphered: the numbers 1 to Esaan the Adhi-Buddha.
Note the evidence-evidence to this one:
Number of levels of Borobudur was 10, the numbers in the note 10 when the result: 1 + 0 = 1. Number of stupa in Arupadhatu in which there is no statues : 32 + 24 + 16 + 1 = 73, number 73 when the note result: 10 and over, such as 1 + 0 = 10.
The number of sculptures of Borobudur in all there are 505 units. When the numbers inside note, the 5 + 0 + 5 = 10 and above as 1 + 0 = 1.
Adhi Buddha in the Buddhist religion Mahaya not only seen as the supreme Buddha, but also seen as the origin of any origin, and also the origin of the sixth Dhyani Buddha, so he referred to as "The One God."
Such is the beauty of Borobudur as a visible and felt , a philosophy that is saved as high in the bosom of the nation East, especially our nation.

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