Kamis, 14 Mei 2009


A. Overview

Taman Kyai Langgeng is nature tourism that is located in the city of Magelang, Central Java. This garden has a stunning natural beauty, and the various types of flora and fauna that is quite complete.
Taman Kyai Langgeng called because in it there is a tomb of a warrior named Kyai Langgeng. Kyai Langgeng is a combatant during the war that took place between The years 1825 - 1830 M. For the services-services that, and the name of Kyai Langgeng used as the name of this tourism.
Taman Kyai Langgeng combines elements of the tourism education. Mix that appears in the library which is located in the tourist area in a clean and beautiful. With this library dibangunnya, then on 17 May 2003, Minister of National Education, Prof.. Dr. Bambang Soedibyo, this tour gave the name "Park Village Book Kyai Langgeng" the first in Indonesia.

B. Specialties

Tourism area of 28 hectares has beautiful natural scenery and clean environment. In addition, because cool air is also located on the slopes of Mount Merapi. Garden tour in the area Kyai Langgeng gubug and there are many places to sit under the shady trees. From there, visitors can see the area turn the rice field, river valleys, and hills that seem neat. Visitors can also see some mountain elegance, such as Mount Sumbing Sindoro and in the west, Mount Andong in the northeast, and Mount Merapi Merbabu which is located on the east. Chirp of the birds bersahutan add this beautiful garden atmosphere.
Besides the beautiful natural scenery, this area is also a tour of research facilities is adequate. For visitors who want to do the research literature (library research), there is a library equipped with a variety of collection of books, magazines, newspapers, encyclopedia, dictionary, and others. And if visitors want to do the research, in this area, there are different types of flora and fauna that are complete. Different types of flora are among cempaka ganda (mycelia campaca), the god Daru, bludru apples, dragon essence, matoa, ruser, lobby, lobby, keben, pecan, walnut tree, the tree maja, tree kelengkeng white, god Daru, Kunto bimo, ASEM lye, ringin kurung, king palm, pinisium, sandalwood, and others. The collection of fauna species, among others, partridge, piton snake, deer, menjangan, Arwana, aligator, deer, monkey, eagle, and others.
Garden tour in the area Kyai Langgeng also equipped with sports facilities rafting. Asri Progo river flow is clear and looks beautiful akan satisfactory for visitors who love berolah sport rafting. Rafting on the river will lead the distance of around 9 km within approximately 3 hours drive.
On public holidays visitors can enjoy variety of entertainment such as Dangdut orchestra, orchestra wither, reog, kuda lumping, and the typical orchestra music. Visitors can also follow the way of sports and relaxation exercises which are held by the bulk of the local community every week day at 06.00-08.00 WIB.

C. Location

Taman Kyai Langgeng located approximately 1 km to the south central city of Magelang, precisely in the way of Cempaka No. 6, Kota Magelang, Central Java Province, Indonesia.
D. Access
For the major tourist Taman Kyai Langgeng, travel can be started from the Terminal Magelang. From this terminal, visitors can ride bus Magelang, Wonosobo, or take bus route Tidar Magelang-1 or 5, then get off at the location.

E. Ticket Price
To enter the Park area Kyai Langgeng tour, each visitor free of charge more than Rp 5,000 (january, 2009). However, to be able to enjoy the entertainment facilities such as mini-train, carousel, train, water, and others, visitors must remove the additional costs between Rp 2,000-Rp 10,000 per person. For visitors who want to berarung cascade, there is a tariff Rp 96,000 per person, including pemandunya. To follow the way of sports and relaxation exercises together, each visitor will be charged entry fees of Rp 1,000 per person and are valid only from 06.00-08.00 WIB.

F. Accommodation and other facilities

Garden tour in the area Kyai Langgeng there are facilities such as libraries, reading hut, relaxing place, where sports, camping ground, forests, tourism, tourist cottages, a swimming pool, fishing forum, traffic park, home aquarium, floating home, relaxing place "Joglo pandan Arum ", play area go carts, and various types of game (hobby, train, air, train, mini, muddy water, delman not a horse, Jet Coaster), and others.
For tourists who want to berarung cascade akan get additional facilities such as food, snack, transportation and insurance to back off the post. Tourism in this area there are also leasing the equipment pool and white water rafting and craft stalls, fruit, and cendramata.
Not far from the tourist area there are Langgeng Taman Kyai hotels, restaurants, stalls and telecommunications, mini market, and others.

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